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Sunday 25 August 2019

Microdot Anti Theft System || Assets Protection Planning

DataDot DNA Technology, Microdot anti-theft system innovation is excellent for the safety of our assets like a laptop, mobile, motorcycle, bicycle, etc...

The United state 2012 survey say that 721.053 motor vehicle theft losses their property in this year at $4.3 billion, It is big data. This data only in the US think about your country how much property they lose.

Now India has accepted this technology in their law is Cental Motor Vehicle rule, 1989  

datadot technology

DataDot Technology

DataDot DNA essentially transforms a micro-dot particle into a DNA by embedding data into it. It then enables thousands of these 'marked' micro-dots to be easily and quickly applied onto any surface without being visible to the naked eye.

Consists of tiny dots measuring 1mm in diameter, each laser-etched with multiple lines of code.

The code is unique for each asset.
The unique code is stored in a worldwide verification DNA Database.

Dots can be detected with a UV light, and their laser-etched code read with a simple magnifying device.

Dots are sprayed onto surfaces to ensure greater reach and coverage.
Because of the ease, speed and relatively low cost of applying the technology, the uses of DataDot DNA are extremely wide and growing rapidly over the years.

DataDot DNA can simply be brushed on to assets, and stay there for the life of the asset. For larger assets such as motor vehicles, DataDot DNA can be simply sprayed on to various parts - including places that are not easily accessible.

DataDot Technology Ltd has patented its own innovative spray process, which can now spray a complete car in less than 60 seconds. A car can be fitted with 7,000 DataDot DNA per vehicle and this is mostly applied at the place of assembly, importation facility, or in the aftermarket through dealers.

DataDot DNA can be detected with a UV light, microscopic, and their laser-etched code read with a simple and pocketable magnifying device -- no complicated forensic investigation is needed.

Facts of MicroDot

1. Counterfeiting a microdot is virtually impossible due to covert security measures in every microdot.

2. All Microdotted assets are logged onto a database and this information is used to track the rightful owner of an assets

3. Microdots are virtually impossible to remove which makes them one of the best precise assets security measure

Uses of MicroDot Technology

  1. It is helpful in a stolen vehicle and faulty parts identification.
  2. MicroDot sticks as permanent on a vehicle and it is not removed anyhow from precious part of gadgets.
  3. MicroDot is not harmful to the vehicle or precious gadgets.
  4. Around the world, in Automobile area faulty parts and identification of the machine of cases on a global level establish a technology that is MicroDot Technique  

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