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Thursday 9 April 2020

How to Export Video for Instagram in Premiere Pro CC 2018

How to Export Video for Instagram in Premiere Pro CC 2018

Export video for Instagram

 video export settings that I use whenever I'm exporting Instagram videos using Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 this is my second article about exporting video in social media, first on Facebook and this is second on Instagram, how-to video export settings for Instagram  Instagram export settings on  Adobe CC 2018

Sequence setting in premiere pro cc 2018:-

 sequence setting in premiere pro cc 2018

 I am gonna be exporting this video at 23.976 frames per second but I'm not gonna be exporting it at 3840*2160 because Instagram definitely does not support 4k when it does support is 16*9 widescreen videos so we're gonna go ahead and OK, I want to render this video and put it on Instagram let's go to the beginning of our video clip and press the I key then let's go to the end of our video clip and press the O key and that's gonna set our in and our out point for the video which is how premier tells what part of the video you want to render after we've done that you can do the press ctrl-M to bring up the export settings dialog box or you can go to file export media and that's going to bring up the export settings.

sequence setting in premiere pro cc 2018

      which is what we're going to talk about next now before we talk about my export settings we need to address instagrams visual quality namely whenever people contact me email me comment on something saying hey I'm having difficulty uploading my edited video to Instagram it is invariably because of two reasons the first reason is that they are uploading a 1920*1080 HD video to Instagram a video platform whose maximum resolution is 640*640 in the square box format that's it yes in this day and the main visual video sharing platform aside from YouTube that's the most popular right now on mobile phones Instagram is standard definition we have 4k cell phones now and for some reason this video platform is standard definition it blows my mind I have no idea why this is still going on aside from maybe Facebook cause it's cheap and doesn't want to play for the extra storage space I don't know we're done this what happens whenever you upload your large 1920*1080 HD video file to the tiny Instagram 640*360 the app is gonna resize it and it's not gonna do a good job of it the second reason that people have issues uploading their edited videos to Instagram has to do with the bitrate of the video that they're uploading so not only are they updating a very large high-definition video they're also uploading a video that has a very high bitrate which Instagram does not like so if you have some video file and the bitrate is 20 megabits per second you're like ah looks great here we go 1080p it's gonna look awesome and you're down rezzing it to Instagram.

 Instagram compression is terrible so whenever you upload your big file it's going to do a quick and dirty compression on it to make it fit on the site and that horrible compression that it's applying makes your video suck so in summary if you upload a video file that is too high of a resolution and to have a bit rate it's gonna look terrible on Instagram the workaround for this is to upload a video that is the proper resolution for Instagram and the proper bitrate which I'm going to share with you now first under export settings for format.

export video for Instagram

The export setting for Instagram:-

1]   we're gonna select h.264 and for preset we're gonna go up to custom.

2] you're gonna check your output name and you're going to select where you want to save your video file.

3] Then you're going to want to make sure you have export video and export audio checked if you are uploading a video with audio to Instagram.

 Below that you have the summary heading that you do not need to mess with and below that you have different tabs effects video audio multiplexer captions and published the only two tabs you need to concern yourself with our video and audio we can ignore everything else onto basic video settings.

4]  Now before you go adjusting your width and your go down to profile and set it to main and go to level and set it to three-point one up here you'll see that your width and height have now changed to 720*480 so we're gonna go up here to the width and we're gonna choose 640 which is an instagrams maximum width and we're gonna go over to height and we're gonna change it to 360 which is the height for a widescreen Instagram video and as you can see it is now 16: 9 so yes we are taking a 4k video file and we are down reading it to the standard definition so it works on Instagram.

video width and height

5]  We got to do it just so it looks good frame rate let's change that to 23.976 field order progressive aspect square pics is 1.0 make sure you check to render at maximum bit depth because that will help your video look better as well as a can on Instagram on to bitrate settings.

6] we're gonna select vbr 2 pass and your target bitrate is going to be 3 and your maximum bitrate is going to be 4 which is so small.

maximum bitrate and minimum  bitrate

Also, you have an option to select a sequence set in a ratio which is 4:5 with a new dimension horizontally 1080 by 1350 and save it as a preset then export with his new ratio.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave one below, thanks and have a great day 

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